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Writer Syndrome EP55 Where To Begin, Again

Where To Begin, Again

Writing your first novel is hard, but is writing a second novel any easier? In this episode, Russ and Tim chat about how to plan a new project, when to stop researching and start writing, and why their approaches have changed since completing their first works.

Writer Syndrome EP54 Humor


Knock, knock… no, we won’t do that to you. In this episode, Russ and Tim discuss writing with humor, how they approach it in their works, the different types of humor authors can use, and when to use it.

Writer Syndrome EP52 Act III Pitfalls

Act III Pitfalls

Have you ever read a book and thought the end wasn’t particularly satisfying? Well, you’re not alone! In this episode, Russ and Tim explore common Act III pitfalls, why they can make your final act fall flat, and how to avoid them.

Writer Syndrome EP51 Scene Transitions

Scene Transitions

Why are scene transitions important? Not ony to they ground the reader in POV, setting, and time. They can change mood and create pacing that keeps a reader engaged. In this episode Russ and Tim get into their own approaches to scene transitions and if they were intentional from the Read more…

Writer Syndrome EP48

Video Game Narratives

Are video games art? What elevates a video game narrative to make it memorable? Will Russ and Tim ever stop playing and get back to writing their second novels? In this special video game-themed episode, we tackle these questions and more.